Punishments in Cockaigne

The punishment regime available to Cockaigne Security and the Judiciary is wide and varied. Punishments are determined by the arresting officer or duty judge and they have sole discretion regarding the penalty and is usually dependant on the severity of the offence.

All offences investigated by a judge are recorded in the residents, or visitors, permanent security files and past offences will be taken into account when determining sentences for further offences. Serial offenders are treated harshly.

The punishments listed are ordered by the severity level, starting with the least severe and may be issued alone or in combination.

List of Punishments

The following punishments are available to Cockaigne Security without the offence being investigated by a judge.

Formal caution
Generally used for minor misdemeanours of non-violent, anti-social behaviour of first offenders and visitors.

Temporary restraint
Usually used in combination with enforced nudity. The offender is left with their hands bound behind their back and allowed to go free. The restraint may be cut by any resident or visitor at any time. The punishment is designed to cause further inconvenience and disruption to the offender.

Enforced nudity
To be inflicted for repeated non-violent, anti-social behaviour and verbal abuse of first responder (emergency) services. Despite nudity being encouraged in Cockaigne, new residents or visitors may be reluctant to embrace nudity and this sanction is designed to help them adjust. Nudity is also not convenient in all situations, so the punishment is expected to cause the offender aggravation.

Type I Punishment Ring
A cock ring fitted around the testicles and penis. To be used in conjunction with enforced nudity. The cock ring keeps the wearer in a mostly semi-erect state and is used as a device shame the offender in front of the other residents and visitors.

Type II Punishment Ring
This is similar to a Type I Punishment Ring. The Type II has the additional effect of preventing the wearer from ejaculating. This punishment ensures the offender cannot gain any sexual release. When engaging in sexual activity, if the wear approaches orgasm, the ring causes intense pain to the testicles, preventing ejaculation. This is used for persistent offenders and minor violent offences.

Male Genital Encasement
This is commonly known as a cock cage and is used to prevent the offender from engaging in any form of penetrative intercourse; they may, of course, be on the receiving end of penetrative sex.

The ePill
Developed by Cockaigne Pharma, the ePill keeps the offender in a continual state of sexual arousal. It is often used in conjunction with other punishments and rarely used on its own. Although sexual freedom is a tenet of Cockaigne life, being perpetually aroused causes considerable discomfort and inconvenience.

An offender may only be subject to the following punishments after due consideration of the evidence and sentencing by a judge. These punishments are reserved for serious and violent offences and include corporal punishment, humiliation and enforced servitude.

Depilation of Body Hair

Removal of all body hair using a depilation cream produced by Cockaigne Pharma. Depending on the strength of the active ingredient, depilation will last for either 1 month, 3 months, 6 months or a year. A full-strength cream will remove hair permanently.


An offender is not sentenced to a specific number of lashes or use of a specific tool, rather the offender is flogged dependant on the person exacting the punishment and the desire of the crowd watching. Several tools are used such as the birch, cane, whip or carpet beater to name a few. The offender is always naked as the sentence is carried out and usually bound to the punishment frame.

Community Restitution

Similar to ‘Community Service’ and not as severe as servitude, this punishment forces the offender to make resitition to their victim. This can take the form of the victim demanding the offender do certain chores or asisst them in their daily life. The demands are generally physical but not sexual.


Prior to the ultimate sanction of incarceration, is enforced servitude. The offender may be sentenced to servitude for any period between 3 and 24 months. The offender will also be assigned to the service of a nominated person (usually the victim). Should the offender be sentenced to incarceration, they may opt for indefinite servitude with the expectation that they will never be a free resident again.

The Punishment Centre

An anonymous resident known as The Punisher performs all corporal punishment, and depilation at the punishment centre. It is a wooden stage on the centre of a patch of grass and enables any residents the opportunity to witness the punishments being carried out.

Sentencing Guidelines

Although each individual judge has the discretion to sentence an offender to any punishment they deem appropriate, the judiciary has reviewed previous rulings and created the following set punishments for ease.

Level 1 Regime
Corporal punishment at The Punishment Centre one evening a week for 1 month.
Genital encasement for 3 months
Depilation of body hair for 3 months (except for the hair on head and face)
Enforced nudity for 6 months

Level 2 Regime
Corporal punishment at The Punishment Centre one evening a week for 2 months.
Genital encasement for 6 months
Depilation of body hair for 6 months (except for the hair on head and face)
Enforced nudity for 12 months

Level 3 Regime
Corporal punishment at The Punishment Centre one evening a week for 3 months.
Genital encasement for 12 months
Depilation of body hair for 12 months (except for the hair on head and face)
Enforced nudity for 18 months
Placed in servitude of a nominated person (usually the victim) for 18 months

Level 4 Regime
Corporal punishment at The Punishment Centre one evening a week for 6 months
Genital encasement for 12 months
Depilation of body hair for 12 months (except for the hair on head and face)
Enforced nudity for 24 months
Compulsory servitude of a nominated person (usually the victim) for 24 months

Level 5
Depilation of body hair for life (including the hair on head and face)
Enforced nudity for life
Permanent servitude of a nominated person (usually the victim) for life who may wish to sell the person at any time